Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Are the UK revalidation proposals for GPs fit for purpose?

#GPFUQ 195 How difficult is it to remember to take regular medication? Try taking something like tics tacs regularly four times a day for one week

#GPFUQ 196 Are the UK revalidation proposals fit for purpose?

The principle should be making the right things easier to do rather than make the easy things the right ones to do.

#GPFUQ 197 How can we help people think about and improve planning their end of life care? Thinking about your death may be scary but death and taxes are inevitable. We could use something like a tax return to prompt us to think about planning for death. You could complete an end of life plan, submit with your tax form and receive a tax benefit for your planning.

#GPFUQ 198 How to frame shift? Your thinking can get stuck in a rut. For instance  the institutional model of response to national healthcare has drifted over the years to put the hospital at the centre and services focused on patients needs being met by ever more niche sub specialists. This is increasing being seen as bad for the health of the nation. The future is going to be characterized by tensions including the importance of  sub specialist v generalists careers, mono discipline v multi discipline approaches, and centralization v decentralisation. The current flawed model of care needs to be reframed so the benefits of generalism, multidisciplinary, decentralised care can be valued.

To change how you think about something

1, Develop an awareness of the current frame

2, Consider the consequences of current frame

3, Devise an alternative frame

4. Consider the consequences of alternative innovative thinking

#GPFUQ 199 How to make the best group decisions? Discuss with the relevant facts, don’t allow heads to nod in agreement, find out what people really think, have a deadline for making decisions.